Rosetta E. Broomfield, Esq. (2)

Contact Rosetta Broomfield

Please fill out the form or contact the office (310)767-6631 and leave your email address and a brief reason for your call. A client intake form will be sent to your email address. Thoroughly complete the client intake form and return it to [email protected]. Upon receipt we will schedule a 20 minute conference within 48 hours. We will discuss the matter as indicated on the form.

Request A Free Consultation!

Attorney-client confidentiality applies to this free consultation, however the review of your matter does not create an attorney-client agreement nor an expression of an opinion of whether or not you will prevail if we move forward. We advise you to seek a second opinion whether or not we chose to represent you. 

Phone Number :


Location Address :

P.O. Box 1074, Redondo Beach, CA 90278

Client Testimonials